Hello World!

As you can read in the sideboard this is the third version of it. This time it is growing and changing with me. Over the years I have changed these pages many times, talking about my friends, my geekness or about funny things. Then I decided to remove all those pages because there are a lot of places on the internet for the fun and you can find all the geekery as well. And for the friendship, I have realized that the best thing you can do about it is to live it, there is no need for web.
So what will you find here? Well, I try to publish relevant things. 100% original ideas and thoughts, my approach to the world and life. You aren’t going to find AIDS cure on my site, but I hope you can read something that will make you meditate - or simply smile - about life: how beautiful it is, the fact that you are living your life now - not yesterday and not tomorrow -, a different way to see things or simply a good idea about how to spend some free time (have a look at the 99 things). Often I like to express my opinion about common facts because I like the idea that another way to see over the common one is possible. Have fun!